

Welcome to my little spot in the world. I have always dreamed of being a writer, author, woman of dreamers; so after starting what I thought would be a book and stopping and writing more short stories.  I had my A-HA moment! How about I blog! I can write a short story and give you, I hope, something positive to think about after. Pull up a chair and grab a cuppa and give it a read (& a follow). You can also find me on all of the social media spreading peace, love and a little fuck you. 

When I am not suffering from last minute panic; I am a full time mom and part time Super Hero.  I read lots and my TBR pile is getting higher & let’s not start on my podcast list! I am owned by a funny Labrador named Grace and three cats with various personalities (Sparkles, GiGi and Angus).

Thank you for stopping by. Come back, like and follow (links below); and if you like what you find, please tell your friends.

